..ago, I received my “You have Parkinson’s Disease” diagnoses from my neurologist. A lot has happened in those eight years most of which is chronicled on this blog, which I started a few weeks after my diagnoses. A few weeks ago I met with my current neurologist who was pleased with my slow disease progression since last year’s visit. He had no suggestions for changes to my current medication and feels (as I do) that my exercise regimen is a primary reason for keeping PD at bay.
Of course my PD has progressed, I don’t move a quick as I used to, I take more medication than I used to, I even purchased a lift chair this year because it was getting difficult to get up after an evening of watching TV. And I have some occasional dyskinesia and the off times are more frequent than they used to be but, I still try to play tennis at least 5 times a week and participate in the Cycling for PD class twice a week.
I am encouraged by the progress of PD research. New drugs have been developed in the past few years and there are many research studies going on looking for the all elusive ‘cure’. Organizations such as PD Avengers and Ending Parkinson’s Disease are working to publicize the PD pandemic and the need for a cure.
Speaking of pandemics, the Covid 19 pandemic has had a major impact on our ability to get together in a support group type of setting. Zoom is better than nothing but it’s still not the same as person to person contact, whether at the gym during cycling or other exercise class, or at a support group, or at a symposium. With the sudden increase in cases this month, it looks like this situation is not changing anytime soon.
I am thankful for the support of family, friends and readers during the past eight years. Your encouragement and positive comments are much appreciated and push me to do what I can to fight PD. Thank you!
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius
Hello Tom,
We are so proud of you, Tom! The work you do for your health and sharing it with everyone is just over the top. We’re so happy you have found tennis and making time for cycling – that seems to be keeping the PD at bay. Can imagine it isn’t easy but at least those activities are also fun and with others.
Love from us both,
Don & Mary Ann
Thanks! See you soon.
I surely admire your positive outlook, commitment to exercise and the sharing of information on your Blog. You are the go-to-person for PD news in our community. You set an awesome example to others with PD. Eight years since your DX, wow! I can only hope I’ll be able to function like you do in another 6 years. I’m only 2 years since DX. Thank You for all you do!
Thank you Stacy! I appreciate your support.