Eight years…

..ago, I received my “You have Parkinson’s Disease” diagnoses from my neurologist.  A lot has happened in those eight years most of which is chronicled on this blog, which I started a few weeks after my diagnoses.   A few weeks ago I met with my current neurologist who was pleased with my slow disease progression since last year’s visit.  He had no suggestions for changes to my current medication and feels (as I do) that my exercise regimen is a primary reason for keeping PD at bay.  Of course my PD has progressed, I don’t move a quick as I…

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World Parkinson’s Day / PD Awareness Month, 2021

This is my eighth World Parkinson’s Day and my 7th post on the subject (skipped 2018). You can read my earlier posts by selecting the Archives tab above and then Apr to view the post for that year. If you did that, you would see posts ranging from reporting on the annual Oak Ridge PD walk to ranting about awareness for the other 11 months of the year. In between are posts about cycling in the lobby of the YMCA, the Unite for PD campaign and quotes from other bloggers. Last year’s post was a review of the book Ending…

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