Suddenly We Are Gym Rats!

      After returning to Sarasota 4 weeks ago we have been ramping up the exercise routine. The day after our return I was off to the YMCA for the pedaling for Parkinson’s class while Mara did weight training.  Later we met with one of the gym instructors to get instructions on the use of the equipment and his recommendations for what I should work on to improve my PD symptoms. Then we met with a wellness coach to go over all of the classes they offer at the YMCA and which ones she thought would benefit us the…

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The WPC Experience, a Volunteer Perspective

Mara and I attended the World Parkinson’s Congress (WPC) in Portland, OR in September and it was a phenomenal experience.  The WPC is a meeting held every three years that brings together PwP’s, Caregivers, Researchers and members of the medical community to discuss what’s happening in PD research and care.  This year’s meeting was the biggest so far with over 4,400 attendees from all over the world.  The presentations ranged from highly technical research results to what is the best exercises for PD and what’s on the horizon. Many of my fellow PD bloggers were in Portland and I have…

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