Join PD Avengers & Let’s End PD!

Last  month  marked the 7th anniversary of my official “you have Parkinson’s Disease” diagnosis from my first neurologist.   During the past 7 years  I’ve become very knowledgeable about PD, discovered tennis, turned into an exercise junkie to help slow the progression of my PD,  and moved to Florida. Meanwhile, after 200 + years Levadopa/Carbidopa, discovered 50 years ago, continues to be the main treatment for the symptoms of PD.  A lot of research has been done trying to identify the cause of PD and a number of new medications have been developed to deal with the symptoms of PD but…

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I know this is my second post in less than 30 days! I think I have too much free time on my hands while practicing this social distancing routine! Today I will catch up with what’s happening in PD School 2020 and talk a bit about how I have implemented what I’ve learned so far. If you aren’t aware of Dr. Mischley’s PD School 2020 you can read more about it my posts here and here. And check out the coupon offer at the end of this post! The last lesson I covered was lesson 3 so I will quickly…

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