Five Years Ago…

…I received my Parkinson’s Disease diagnoses, a prescription and a 90 day followup appointment.  Yep, that was it, no handbook, brochure or even a ‘what to expect’ message.  A lot has happened since that day five years ago and most, if not all, has been chronicled on this blog which will also be five years old in a couple of weeks.  Starting that day, Mara and I began researching PD, reading all of the information available from the Micheal J Fox Foundation and the National Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (now merged with the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation) among many others (see the…

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The Saga Continues!

Wow what an interesting month.   Believing our home in Tennessee would be ready to put back on the market by the first of March, we flew to Knoxville to meet with the contractor’s quality control person, approve the work and put the home back on the market.  When we arrived at the home, we discovered it was a long way from completion!  To say we were disappointed would be an understatement for sure.   The quality control person was just as surprised as we were and started calling people to find out why it wasn’t done.  This unleashed a series of…

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