Where Does the Time Go?

I have always heard that time flies as you get older and I guess they (whomever they are) were right. It seems like it was just a month or two ago since my 5th Anniversary  post last July.  Yet here we are 6 years since the start of my journey with Parkinson’s Disease.  Many of you have been following along for those 6 years as we became expert at researching PD, learning all we could by attending research conferences,  day long seminars, and attending the 4th World Parkinson’s Congress in Portland, OR. We have seen substantial progress in the past…

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Welcome Summer!

This has been a hectic, fast paced and exciting spring. So much has been going on that this is the first chance I’ve had to take some time and catch you up on what’s been happening. As long as you don’t count the times I started and dozed off in front of the screen leaving a trail of dddddddddd or some other letter across the page. 🙂 When last we met, it was the middle of April and we had just completed our World Parkinson’s Day cycling class in the lobby of the YMCA. One of the pluses of living…

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